Just be sure you look forward into 2020 to determine if the dates on the package are not in conflict with planned activities. The offers are for all Friday nights or all Saturday nights or all Sunday matinees even though the season package page shows the 6 prechosen plays and their run dates leaving the impression that you could select a package which would allow you to select an appropriate date for each show OR select a Friday, Saturday or Sunday pre/pack.

The unfortunate part is the LOH has lost $240 in preseason ticket sales based on an inflexible ticketing policy. Since there is no saving in buying the package and then not attending one of the performances unless you ante up for another set of tickets, we will not avail ourselves of the offer. These multi-functional halls were often called Opera Houses, whether or not opera was, in fact, performed. In previous centuries, it was not unusual to combine a music hall with a town’s main governmental building. We called and asked if we could buy the package and change out the dates we would be away for another in the performance’s run. The Lancaster Opera House was conceived as a music hall within the villages municipal building. The Lancaster Opera House is a reminder of an early American tradition. On reviewing the available dates we noted that one of the plays was only offered during a time we would be out of town. The offer of 6 performances at a reduced rate was enticing. As much as we love the Lancaster Opera House (and we do!!) we were disappointed in the theater package offered both online and in the recently received promotional booklet