The current version of format factory till july 2021 is latest version.

This can prove that the format factory always develop by an expert software enginer. This is the great audio video converter since I know computer. Here is the Format factory update history, I can concluse that there are seventeen updates since the software first release on 2007. Update History : Format Factory 2022 Download One of the functions of the factory format is to repair damaged video and audio files. In addition, this application can also help you reduce file size to save disk space on your computer. You can convert music documents to or from MP3, WMA, OGG, AAC, WAV and extra, video to or from MP4, 3GP, AVI, WMV, SWF and also others, and also transform images from or to JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF and also Google’s WebP style using Format Factory. Format Factory is a free, comprehensive multimedia file conversion software for personal or business use.

Everybody that utilizes media data requires a suitable data converter, as well as Layout Factory is especially good for individuals making use of pictures, songs or video clip files.